Below is the process I used to go about doing the labs for class 3. Credit goes to the ITP Physical Computing Lab for walking us through how to do this week's lessons.

Sources: Lab 3.1: tone output using an arduino,

Lab 3.1.1: Tones Intro

"Special" Devices Used This Week:


🔊Sound Speaker

⚙️Servo Motor

(A) Testing values of analog range:

(B) Testing sound of speaker:

Function Used:

tone(pin, frequency)
tone(pin, frequency, duration)

(C) PlayTones:

Process: I started this section by attempting to go at the logic of it on my own, by looking up necessary API, and considering the inputs and outputs on the arduino that I was using. Learning through some potential for mistakes!!! Then, I'll go back into the labs as needed to see where I messed up.